
I don't know who the ultimate king is, because it ain't me.


NAME: Fepir - It's a mix between Iron (FE) and my favorite animal, a Tapir!

E-MAIL: itsfepir@gmail.com

AGE: Old enough to drink, too young to care about my 401K. So, I'm in my twenties.

FAVORITE FOOD: Cucumber Sandwiches


HOBBIES: Going to escape rooms, Writing horror stories, Collecting Books (I have so many I need to sit down and read), Felting, Voice Acting (I'm not good at it, but I think it's fun), Digital Art and Coding (But I think that's pretty obvious, lol)

DAILY (When I remember) JOURNAL



I sent in my application for a new job the other day!! I don't want to leave the company I'm working at, since they have decent benefits and the culture is nicer than other places I've worked. Otherwise I would be sending soooo many resumes to literally anywhere I could find.

Sadly no web development or graphic design jobs have opened up, which sucks. Kind of understandable, though. It's a pretty established company, usually it's places that are just getting their feet under them, or are working on larger projects that need people like that.

Forgot to mention that along with the escape room this weekend - which we have 11 people going, Christ - I'm going to a reptile convention with my friends!! Super excited for that! I got my blue tongue skink from the same convention, and I've been in love with him ever since. His name is Gaylord if you were wondering. He my lil' baby : )


Had to cancel the escape room this weekend because there weren't enough people that could go :/

Hopefully we'll be able to go next weekend since that's a little less last minute! Also the Nuzlocke is going really well! I won't say too much since I plan on making it a comic at some point, but so far so good!

Or maybe all of my Pokemon died, who knows!


Planning on going to another escape room this weekend, but we need 6 people, and we're 2 short... I need more friends, : p

We'll make it work.